Caroline Mazini Rodrigues

LIGM - Université Gustave Eiffel -- LRE - EPITA



Cité Descartes, 2 Bd Blaise Pascal

93160 Noisy-le-Grand

I’m a PhD student associated with the LIGM and LRE laboratories. My research primarily focuses on understanding the reasoning processes of Deep Neural Networks, a field commonly referred to as explainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI). I am particularly interested in the challenge of presenting these complex explanations in a way that is easily interpretable for humans.

I am specially intrigued about the cognitive aspects of machine learning and how it can be compared to human learning.

I received my master’s degree from the Institute of Computing (Unicamp), where my focus was on machine learning applied to image analysis in forensics.

Beyond the computer science domain, I’m also interested in studying language mechanisms, including semantics and semiotics. I strongly believe they can inspire us to understand even artificial models.

selected publications

  1. reasoning_trees2.png
    Reasoning with trees: interpreting CNNs using hierarchies
    Caroline Mazini Rodrigues ,  Nicolas Boutry ,  and  Laurent Najman
    Arxiv, 2024
  2. ms_iv.png
    Unsupervised discovery of Interpretable Visual Concepts
    Caroline Mazini Rodrigues ,  Nicolas Boutry ,  and  Laurent Najman
    Information Sciences, 2024
  3. ex_convex.png
    Transforming gradient-based techniques into interpretable methods
    Caroline Mazini Rodrigues ,  Nicolas Boutry ,  and  Laurent Najman
    Pattern Recognition Letters, 2024
  4. maps2.png
    Bridging Human Concepts and Computer Vision for Explainable Face Verification
    Miriam Doh ,  Caroline Mazini Rodrigues ,  Nicolas Boutry , and 3 more authors
    In 2nd Workshop on Bias, Ethical AI, Explainability and the role of Logic and Logic Programming co-located with the 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2023) , 2023
  5. tifs_diag.png
    Manifold learning for real-world event understanding
    Caroline Mazini Rodrigues ,  Aurea Soriano-Vargas ,  Bahram Lavi , and 2 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2021